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Six Dangers Canada Faces

Tue, December 17, 2024   |   Author: Ron Gray   |   Volume 31    Issue 51 | Share: Gab | Facebook | Twitter   

Ron GrayThese are very important days for believers. We can see international trends running in favour of the scriptural faith—but there are also countervailing tides running against the faith. It’s important to be able to discern the differences, and to be willing to take a stand for the eternal truth, and against its adversaries.

One of the dangers before us is to mistake mere conservatism for true biblical faith. There are voices—especially in politics and in the media—that sound like believers, but may not be. They may offer policies that are politically or economically sound—but are not biblically sound. Beware of such. In the end, if they do not base their policies on the Word of God, they will founder on the rocks of Secularism (which, please take note, is a false religion).

On the other hand, there are some truly diabolical forces that militantly oppose the true biblical faith. Here are some of the main categories:

1 – Multiculturalism. This heresy has already been proven false in many of the world’s arenas—especially in Europe. You can recognize it by some of its vain shibboleths—for example: “Diversity is our strength.” This statement, often parroted by our prime minister and many of the lightweights in his “kiddie cabinet”, is actually a veiled attack on western civilization—that has lifted more people out of ignorance and poverty than any other philosophy in human history. Another mark of this attack on western civilization is “anticolonialism”; in spite of significant historical injustices that still haunt us, the colonial period of western history was, in many ways, beneficial to the colonial nations—including Canada, Australia and the United States—providing working models of the rule of law, governance, education and trade.

2 – Attempts to resurrect a caliphate. The last caliphate—the Ottoman Empire—perished at the end of WW I. It was succeeded by a secular state founded by Kamal Attaturk; but Turkey has since been re-Islamized by Erdogan, who ardently desires to become the Sultan of a revived caliphate. The Mullahs of Iran also desire to lead a revived caliphate. Both are dangerous, because Wahhabism among Sunnis and the Ayatollahs of Shiite Iran both represent a reversion to 7th century barbarism.

3 – “The Great Reset”—the World Economic Forum’s proposed version of a Marxist, centralized global government. Our Prime Minister and several members of his “kiddie cabinet” seem entranced by this chimera, blindly neglecting the fact that Marxism has utterly failed wherever it has been tried. The principal lever they and the United Nations seek to use is fear of a non-existent “climate catastrophe”. There is no climate catastrophe. The world is emerging from the Little Ice Age, so of course there is warming; a warmer globe will mean more productive agriculture, overcoming famine as more territory in the northern latitudes become arable land, in Canada, Russia and Scandinavia. Increased CO2 is already showing benefits, as the globe has become 15 percent greener in the past decade. In spite of what the prime minister and his climate fanatic ministry say, CO2 is not a ‘pollutant’; it is plant food.

4 – China has ambitions to replace the United States as the world’s hegemon; the election of Donald Trump may have forestalled this transition. China’s promotion of a BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) reserve currency to replace the American dollar, plus using debt to trap third world nations into ‘Belt and Road’ servitude, may help China towards this goal. But its rapidly-aging population—the result of its infamous “one child” policy, which was brutally enforced for decades—constitutes an insurmountable barrier.

5 – Russia is covetously eyeing Canada’s arctic waters, and the possibility that global warming may offer a northwest passage shipping lane. Canada needs to enhance its presence and services to its northern lands and peoples.

6 – Government and education opposition to Canada’s heritage of trust and belief in biblical truth are relentlessly weakening this nation’s foundational trust in the Word of God. We urgently need a public praying for revival to strengthen the church in Canada, and to reinforce social trust in the Bible’s eternal truths.

There are many threats to Canada as we know it . . . with our waning rights and freedoms. It’s up to each of us to be vigilant in protecting our Christian heritage; it’s a bulwark against tyranny and chaos! CHP Canada is standing on guard. Your membership is a commitment to stand with us in these troubled times.

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