Ottawa, May 8, 2024 - CHP Leader Rod Taylor held a Press Conference in the Ottawa Press Gallery, focused on how the actions of the current government have sabotaged the hopes and dreams and have strewn obstacles in the paths of upcoming generations.
Ottawa, September 15, 2023 - CHP Leader Rod Taylor held a Press Conference in the Ottawa Press Gallery, focused on the economic costs incurred by governments when they fail to follow biblical principles in governance.
Christian Heritage Party of Canada (CHP Canada) Files Notice of Application for Judicial Review with Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Divisional Court) against City of Hamilton.
I write on a topic upon which I am sure you have already received much correspondence. Alberta is the only province to have imprisoned at least three pastors during the period some refer to as a pandemic. One of those pastors is still behind bars...
On National Flag Day, when all Canadians should be celebrating our flag and what it represents, Prime Minister Trudeau has instead brought shame and disgrace on the Government of Canada by imposing brutal measures to try to undermine those with whom he disagrees and to silence their message.
Today, Rod Taylor, National Leader of CHP Canada, endorsed the truck convoy headed to Ottawa to demand the withdrawal of the Federal Government’s vaccine mandates for truckers crossing the border between Canada and the United States.
Recent statements by the Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Health—regarding the possible imposition of mandatory vaccinations—have heightened tensions and added to the concerns felt by many Canadians about the erosion of our rights and freedoms guaranteed under the Charter.
On Thursday October 4, the Christian Heritage Party (CHP Canada) won a strong decision in its dispute with the City of Hamilton over the removal of political advertising from bus shelters in the city. A Judicial Review panel ruled overwhelmingly in favour of the party whose paid advertising was removed by city staff on August 10, 2016.
This Thursday, May 10, we in the Christian Heritage Party, CHP Canada, will be among the thousands of Canadians who will gather on Parliament Hill to remind those who serve as our elected and appointed representatives of the unique value of every human life and the responsibility we all share for protecting it.
As the future of Canada and the wellbeing of our children and grandchildren hangs in the balance, we want to present our perspective on the debate over the legalization of so-called “recreational” marijuana.