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CHP Canada’s Denominational Protocol

CHP Canada’s Denominational Protocol

It is the intention of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada to respect the dignity of all individuals and the varied practices within different Christian denominations while participating within the political arena.

The founding members of the CHP were of both the Roman Catholic and Protestant faiths. The spirit of the Christian principles that they developed for the CHP was meant to allow participation of all Christian denominations.

CHP Canada is a trans-denominational political party, not a forum for theological or eschatological debate.

Within the CHP we expect all denominations to bring their perspectives into discussions about policy and about how we run the Party; but the CHP will not allow any particular denomination to try to compel other Christians to conform to their theological practices. We arrive at the Party’s official position by consensus, after hearing all points of view and assessing them.

As a Christian political party we must strive to put aside our differences and mobilize for a common cause. Christians of all denominations should feel completely welcome and should be seen as valued members of the team.

Our Christian positions with regard to life and family are very clearly stated in our policies – these must always be respected and upheld.

There are areas which will always require special sensitivity. An example may be:

The kinds of activities acceptable on Sunday or Saturday, whatever our day of worship may be. i.e. attending meetings or debates.

Every effort should be made to avoid causing offence or being offended by the actions of other members as we each conduct ourselves as Christians within our own denominational practices and /or walk of faith. Each member should be able to participate or not participate in activities on those days which their conscience and theology permit – they must also respect the decision of others who can or cannot participate in like manner- based on their walk of faith and their understanding of scripture.  Offence is not to be taken either way.

“Let’s stand together strong on principles we agree on”