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Citizenship and Loyalty

Citizenship and Loyalty

Canada has always been a land of hope and opportunity for people from around the world . . . precisely because of our Judaeo—Christian heritage that ensures nobody is above the law. Canada has a long tradition of religious freedom and accepts that citizens and permanent residents may practice any faith that does not violate Canadian law or harm others.

Adherence to the rule of law must be protected or Canada risks becoming like other countries which, due to inadequately developed immigration laws, are now dealing with strident cultural groups who insist that their new host country accept the cultural norms of the countries they have left and seek to establish the laws and customs of their former countries as the means to settle disputes and conflicts.

In this regard, the radical adherence to Sharia law—with its demands for cultural and legal accommodation in places such as the UK, the Netherlands, and other Western nations—must receive special attention. Sharia law, like all systems of shared belief and practice, has various interpretations. Given the wide range of Islamic interpretation, most agree that Sharia law endorses such things as the denial of equal rights for women, female genital mutilation (clitorectomies), polygamy, dhimmitude (the demand for a tax from non-Muslims), violence against homosexuals and the expansion of Islam by jihad. Some believe that it even allows or promotes “honour killings” and the putting to the death of infidels (non-Muslims). Of course, the CHP strongly objects and will continue to vigorously resist any effort to allow the implementation of Sharia law in Canada. For the protection of our legal institutions and the safety of all citizens, the CHP would deny immigrant status to those holding such views.

Such demands are a violation of the principle of loyalty to the new country and are far in excess of our common understanding of multiculturalism. The CHP rejects cultural relativism. Canada, as part of the British Commonwealth, owes its distinct cultural heritage to the Judaeo—Christian world view and norms. Our laws, customs, and freedoms can be traced directly to this heritage. Thus, Canadian immigration will balance respect and appreciation for the diversity of people of different ethnic or religious backgrounds with respect for Canada’s Christian heritage. Whatever the country of origin, we must build a primary sense of being “Canadian” and forcefully reject any attempt contrary to this vision.

This means that new immigrants must acknowledge and respect that Canada’s cultural heritage is rooted in a Judaeo—Christian world view, which is the foundation of our national identity and laws. The decision to choose to live in Canada must be accompanied by patriotism and loyalty to Canada and our democratic values and morals. Previously held traditions or legal systems incompatible with Canada’s culture and law must be abandoned.

The very core of the Canadian citizenship oath is the declaration of loyalty to our King and the pledge to “faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen.” Therefore, to enjoy the privilege of living in Canada, immigrants – although proud of their own cultural heritage – must pledge their allegiance to the new land that they have chosen to call their home.

Therefore, the CHP would require—as a prerequisite to entry into Canada—that applicants for immigration sign a formally binding pledge whereby they agree to:

  • Abide by Canadian law.
  • Forego or abandon practices and traditions that are contrary to Canadian law and tradition such as:
    • Adherence to Sharia Law—such things as FGM (female genital mutilation), dhimmitude, “honour” killings, polygamy, and the enforced wearing of the burqa or niqab
    • Any form of gang violence
    • Terrorism – which includes promoting and supporting subversive terrorist groups in Canada or in their country of origin.

Any violation of the signed pledge would be considered serious enough to warrant deportation back to the country of origin.

Note: This is not to say that refugees and immigrants cannot be involved in peaceful efforts that are not in contravention of Canadian law to draw attention to the plight of their former countrymen in order to help bring about change.

Immigrants who are admitted will be expected to adopt Canada’s cultural norms, to educate their children to be proud of their new country and make a contribution to its betterment. The CHP will ensure that entry into Canada is only granted to those wishing to truly integrate into Canadian society.




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