Pierre Trudeau’s Legacy Still Hurts
Tue, January 07, 2025 | Author: Jeff Willerton | Volume 32 Issue 1 | Share: Gab | Facebook | Twitter
I was four years old when Pierre Trudeau was elected to lead this nation, I didn’t much like him then, and my view of the man hasn’t changed much over the years.
As reported on a now decades-old W5 episode, according to a woman Pierre went to university with, the young debutant was then a card-carrying member of the Communist Party of Canada. That would explain why the Chinese Communist Party flew him to the Motherland back in the day and gave him the $64 tour. Little did they know that their guest would one day lead this nation, albeit it in the wrong direction.
The tour apparently didn’t dampen his convictions, and according to an internal 1968 RCMP report trumpeted by a retired officer stumping for political office in central Alberta in the 80s, the by-then mid-thirties social climber led a delegation of communists to the 1952 Moscow Economic Forum. So the RCMP knew this the year the man became prime minister and kept it under wraps, which may yet prove to be the most egregious of their sins.
When Prime Minister Trudeau was later asked about his thoughts on communism, he replied that “under certain circumstances, a ‘one-party state’ would be ideal.” That phrase is merely a euphemism for communism, of course, and no one but a communist would recommend it for any country under any circumstance.
“Okay, he was a communist,” I hear someone saying, “but he gave us the Charter, didn’t he?” Well, yeah, but he didn’t create any rights therein that we didn’t already have, and by listing them, he in fact limited them. And to make matters worse, in the same document he gave future governments the formula by which to suspend those limited rights altogether.
Let’s face it: if you can’t leave your home because there’s a bug on the loose, or publish opinions that are contrary to the zeitgeist because they might hurt someone’s feelings, neither the freedoms of mobility nor expression (nor any of the others enumerated therein) are worth the paper they’re written on. You would almost think the thing was written by a commie or something! But did Papa Trudeau ever outgrow that philosophy?
In fact, according to a retired intelligence officer of my acquaintance, PET maintained his $5/yr communist card from his youth until the day of his death, without interruption. (Let that sink in for a minute!)
Differing views don’t need to drive us apart. One of the great features of our western democracies is that two people can disagree and still be friends. My dad, for instance, never voted anything but NDP, and once suggested that communism had never been given a fair shake—that statement being the telltale sign of a sympathizer. I, on the other hand, am convinced that liberalism (of which socialism is a kissing cousin) is the bane of western civilization. And those conflicting views didn’t take away from our relationship one bit! In fact, as my siblings like to remind me, I was his favourite, and as I like to tell them, it’s not my fault he had good taste—even if his politics were a little wonky.
But differing views lead to differing policies . . . and policies have consequences. When communists aim to destabilize a country, they infiltrate it, undermine its social fabric, infiltrate its education system, tax its citizens as much as they can, give away as much as they can, and drive up the cost of living as high as they can to make everyone as hungry as they can. Sounds a bit like what’s happened to Canada, doesn’t it?
Why would communist sympathizers want to wreck the economy? Because, in the words of retired President Herbert Hoover to sitting President Harry S. Truman in 1947 regarding a then war-ravaged Europe, “Bare subsistence meant hunger (Europeans were at that moment barely keeping body and soul together) and hunger meant communism” (Saving Freedom: Truman, the Cold War, and the Fight for Western Civilization, Joe Scarborough, p.XVII).
The famished, it seems, will vote for anyone who promises them relief, and I maintain that this government wants us so hungry that we’ll vote for that “one-party state” that Pierre Trudeau said we weren’t ready for back in the day; his equally misguided son is doing his best to drag us straight into the gulag. We can’t let that happen.
As I say in my book, FIX CANADA, we need a Churchill to step in and thwart their globalist agenda. God willing, we—and the rest of the world—may experience significant relief from that agenda when the USA welcomes its 47th President on January 20th. But that doesn’t negate our need for dramatically better government here in Canada. We—in the CHP—are the only ones offering a sound biblical alternative, one that supports the Charter’s “supremacy of God and the rule of law.” If you haven’t taken out a CHP membership yet, there’s no time like the present to do the right thing.
Leader’s Note: Jeff Willerton is author of the compelling (and compiling) book: Fix Canada, now in its 22nd Edition. It’s a great read, with many worthwhile observations on Canadian politics. Jeff has also served as a CHP candidate and plans to do so again. We thank him for all his efforts to “fix Canada.”
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