Fact-checking the UN’s global government ‘Pact for the Future’: Is Canada’s $5 billion pledge buying a ‘golden parachute’?
Tue, October 22, 2024 | Author: Ron Gray | Volume 31 Issue 43 | Share: Gab | Facebook | Twitter
Governments—led by globalists like the World Economic Forum and multinational investment management corporations like Black Rock, State Street and Vanguard—have eagerly poured taxpayers’ and investors’ money into the United Nations’ new scheme to expand its authority into an unelected world government, accountable to no one. Big investors like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are buying up farmland in North America and taking much of it out of production. Why?
It’s time to evaluate the scare tactics being used to promote this plot. Here are some of the scare tactics behind the scheme:
Claim: The world is burning up.
Fact: No, it’s not. This claim by UN chief Antonio Guterres has proven false. In fact, while there has been a slight increase in global temperatures, it has been beneficial, not harmful. In fact, in the last 20 years, the globe’s green areas have increased by about 15 percent. And most of that increase has been in arid areas, like the southern Sahara, where desertification has begun to reverse.
Claim: global warming has reached crisis levels.
Fact: No, it hasn’t. Global warming has not increased for about 18 years.
Claim: Melting sea ice is going to flood coastal areas and island nations.
Fact: This scare headline, which began with a false forecast in Al Gore’s film, An Inconvenient Truth, has failed to materialize. Gore predicted that by 2020, Manhattan would be under 20 feet of water. It’s not. Gore warned that millions would become ‘climate refugees’ from areas like the Seychelles. The oceans have not risen noticeably in the Seychelles, and the population there has doubled since An Inconvenient Truth won an Oscar.
It’s also worth noting that big investors are reportedly buying up ocean-front land in Lahaina, Maui following a disastrous wildfire there, to build luxury tourist destinations.
Claim: Agriculture has increased the levels of CO2 and methane in Earth’s atmosphere.
Fact: This has probably been beneficial. Major greenhouse operators normally inject CO2 into the atmosphere of their greenhouses, because it increases plant growth and productivity.
Panic policies by globalist governments—for example, in the Netherlands, Sri Lanka, Germany and Canada—have imposed fertilizer restrictions on farming, which is resulting in global food shortages, and in some places, riots by farmers and consumers.
Ice core analyses have shown that the level of CO2 in Earth’s atmosphere today is less than it was during the Roman Warm Period, when grapes were grown in Greenland.
Claim: Industrial activity is responsible for global warming.
Fact: Climatologists know that warming and cooling periods are historically cyclical; we are still emerging from the Little Ice Age that began to end about 250 years ago. Whether CO2 is a contributing factor is uncertain; Earth’s position relative to the sun, and an increase in sunspot activity, may be playing a greater role.
Claim: Fossil fuels are to blame for ‘global warming’.
Fact: Fossil fuels and free-market capitalism have lifted more people out of poverty than any other factor in human history. Policies like the UN’s ‘Pact for the Future’ threaten to reverse such gains on a catastrophic level.
Claim: Fossil fuels and industrial activity threaten to eradicate polar bear populations.
Fact: During the geological area known as the Holocene Optimum (NB: “optimum” means “best”), the level of CO2 was as high as 1,000 parts per million; today’s level of CO2 is a little over 400 ppm. The polar bears survived the Holocene Optimum, and they’re doing well today. In fact, Inuit in Canada’s arctic complain that polar bear populations are becoming dangerously large.
Claim: De-industrialization is necessary to halt global warming.
Fact: Swedish statistician, Bjorn Lomborg has written that industrial development is the only way to generate the wealth needed to adapt coastal areas to climate change; but de-industrialization will have the opposite effect; and it prevents developing nations from providing the inexpensive energy needed to free their populations from poverty and hunger.
Claim: Central planning and converting to socialism are ‘the wave of the future’.
Fact: The UN’s ‘Pact for the Future’ would centralize world population control and economic planning—a concept that has failed wherever it has been tried: the Soviet Union, East Germany, Eastern Europe, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Scandinavia, Nicaragua, Cuba…even China found it necessary—under Deng Xiaoping—to adopt free market reforms, in order to fight poverty. Socialist policies of Canada’s Liberal government have crippled Canada’s economy and brought runaway inflation.
In all of the above examples, socialist governments and centralized planning have proven to be less efficient than free-market economics, and have debased the currencies by flooding the market with valueless money in a vain attempt to fuel economic activity. It always results in “too much money chasing too few goods”—the classical definition of inflation.
Having failed to provide clean drinking water to Indigenous Canadians, Prime Minister Trudeau, nevertheless, found it easy to promise $5 billion to fund the UN’s ‘Pact for the Future’—a thinly-disguised sacrifice of national sovereignty to globalism. Is Trudeau buying himself a ‘golden parachute’ with our money? If so, that’s theft—and it’s a crime.
Ron Gray was—for 13 years (1995 to 2008)—the National Leader of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada, and today serves the Party as Leader Emeritus, and as an advisor to the current CHP Leader, Rod Taylor. Information sources for this opinion piece include the writings of Dr. Patrick Moore, Alex Epstein and Bjorn Lomborg.
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- Fact-checking the UN’s global government ‘Pact for the Future’: Is Canada’s $5 billion pledge buying a ‘golden parachute’?
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