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Dismantling Canada: Brick by Brick

Tue, January 16, 2024   |   Author: Gunn   |   Volume 31    Issue 3 | Share: Gab | Facebook | Twitter   

Have you ever played Jenga? You start with a tower and brick by brick you remove parts of the tower until it falls. Initially, the tower feels strong in spite of the bricks you remove but, brick by brick, the tower weakens and, eventually, it falls. It has to fall; it’s teetering because there is no foundation. As you remove bricks there is friction between the adjoining pieces and the bottom bricks are bearing unequal weight. You remove brick after brick trying to keep the structure from collapsing, but it always comes down.

How do you dismantle a society? Brick by brick! Back in the 1960s, in the heat of the sexual revolution, people relied on a wall, a security fence, that had been in place as part of our Christian heritage. We understood that there were rules for a healthy society. Parents were to be respected. Parents knew they had to stand firm when faced with youthful rebellion. Parents loved their children and raised them with rules to help provide a moral foundation that would carry them through their adult lives.

Meanwhile, the government was governing the country. They were not micromanaging families. They had their own job to do. They were not trying to manage how each family spent their money; whether or not the family attended church; how the family disciplined their errant children; whether the parents provided enough entertainment; how the parents taught the facts of life; how the parents taught male and female roles. This and everything else that happened in perfectly normal homes was under the control of the perfectly normal family.

Brick by brick, that changed. It could have been the women’s liberation movement of burning bras, girdles, and high heeled shoes. . . regardless of its effect on their carbon footprint . . . or the opting out by the family of paying for their own daycare, dental care and feminine hygiene products or a myriad of other bricks that have since been taken out. As each brick of responsibility was removed, Canadians got more and more comfortable with the idea of being cared for cradle to grave.

Government decisions became increasingly intrusive. We sat back and allowed the government to decide what responsibilities belonged to the family and what the government would take out of the family’s hands. From there, the government burdened vulnerable children with adult decisions and provided for them a government solution.

It didn’t start with the tough decisions. It began with children aged 16 and up not being allowed a parent present in their medical appointments . . . even when the child wanted the security of a parent in the face of strangers imposing their opinions on the inexperienced youth. Brick by brick, they changed the parent and child bond.

Soon, when a child had a difficult decision, they were informed they didn’t have to involve their parents—you know, the people who gave them life and loved them above their own lives. The parents were not informed and the child was pressured to make the ‘best decision.’ Decisions like: “you should kill your unborn baby; your parents don’t need to know.” Brick by brick, government diminished the parents’ role of guiding their own child.

Then, with the family bond and parental authority broken, came the gender revolution. Patent nonsense was taught to our children, and they had no place to go for the truth. Bill C-4 has now dictated that parents are not even allowed to speak of some matters with their children. Many children have accepted the indoctrination of social engineers because the government is now governing the family.

The new type of government has no time to worry about defence of our country, out of control spending, increasing crime, etc. The government is now too busy in the living rooms of the nation . . . and the kitchens . . . and the bathrooms . . . and, of course, the bedrooms.

Brick by brick, a new tower has been built.

The government now makes medical decisions for our youth. Yes, you may have all the sex you want; explore, get to know what makes you happy. Try it all. Rampant sexual diseases? Don’t worry we’ve got a medicine for that . . . and that . . . and that.

When the results of this government-supported reprobate lifestyle catches up and depression hits, the government can deal with that. They will provide a doctor with a mandate to kill you or find a doctor who will do it. It’s not a problem. The bricks that get broken can be thrown away.

Now, out of BC comes the latest power grab for a Canadian government: a direct assault on parental rights and obligations in raising their children. Parents have historically understood that by liberally sprinkling their decisions with the word “no,” their kids can develop into healthy adults, able to abide by rules. Governments—unlike parents—do not love the children or seek the best for them . . . yesterday, today and for the rest of the child’s life.

The British Columbia government plans, without parental consent, to give to children a “safer supply” of fentanyl . . . no age requirement given. The only safeguard is that a second physician signs off on it. A Hamilton-based addictions physician, Dr. Lenora Regenstreif, whom we have to assume knows the people within her profession, does not believe that one doctor will challenge another on prescriptions written.

One can almost hear the curious 12-year old laying it on for a doctor who doesn’t know him. His parents know him. His parents know that he’s curious, but they’ve laid down some strict rules with the word “NO!” But, the doctor the child attends doesn’t know him. Almost 1/3 of BC adults do not have a family doctor so the doctor the family attends doesn’t know them or their curious 12-year old.

Or perhaps the child is older and has taken the government up on its misguided sexual agenda and has had his or her body mutilated and now has regrets . . . and seeks solace in drugs. A parent would try to help the child. Instead, the government pays for the child to become addicted to drugs.

Can you hear the dismantling of a healthy society as the tower teeters on the verge of collapse? Brick by brick! Can you see generations of youth who no longer know or understand healthy boundaries? It’s all about the moment. They’ve been taught that by a government that seeks to govern the family while it leaves the nation to collapse.

Is there enough strength of will left in Canadians to stand against this latest brick being removed? It’s BC today but the rest of Canada tomorrow.

You can find hope. The time is ripe to demand our homes be cleansed of intrusive government controls and for our families to be returned to us. Join the battle! Join CHP Canada.

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