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Communism vs Democracy in Canada

Tue, February 13, 2024   |   Author: Gunn   |   Volume 31    Issue 7 | Share: Gab | Facebook | Twitter   

Is Canadian democracy on the verge of collapse? Let’s put our finger on the pulse of our democracy to see if our laissez faire attitude is justified.

Canada, like most Western countries that were guided by biblical principles, has a history of freedom and equality unequaled by any other world view. From the Magna Carta, which put the king under the same laws as the commoner, to our Canadian Constitution we hear a consistent message of equality.

But, how are things being played out as our democracy ages and we try so hard to keep everything and everyone exactly equal . . . completely equal . . . unequivocally equal . . . Karl Marx equal?

Half a century ago, at the 750th anniversary of the Magna Carta, Lord Denning said it was, “the greatest constitutional document of all times—the foundation of the freedom of the individual against the arbitrary authority of the despot.”

Was he right?

Let’s consider what we got with our foundational document—the Magna Carta. We got our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which is prefaced with “The supremacy of God and the rule of Law.”

We’ve got everyone placed underneath the law . . . everyone—no exceptions. We’ve got freedom of religion, freedom to move freely about, freedom to have our own opinion, just to name a few.

We did not get equal outcomes promised because each individual will take their equal opportunity and use it differently, thus getting different results. I wonder why, we hear increasingly about each of us having equal outcome. That sounds distinctly Communistic.

Does Communism guarantee these types of freedoms? Not at all. “Religion and communism are incompatible, both theoretically and practically.”

What about freedom of belief? It’s hard to equate Communism with freedom when somewhere between 7-12 million Russian people were murdered to help bring in a system where everyone was supposed to be equal. Everyone still alive after the revolution and who managed to avoid being accused of “capitalist sympathies” would be more accurate.

But perhaps the source of our Prime Minister’s admiration, Communist China, managed better to implement similar rights and freedoms to Canada under our Christian heritage. I checked and, directly and indirectly, Mao Zedong was responsible for 40-80 million deaths. The low end of the estimates is the entire population of Canada.

This, to bring in equal outcomes rather than equal opportunity.

Why do I rehash old history?

There are concerns! Look to the members of our government who belong to the Young Global Leaders, which is overseen by the World Economic Forum (WEF). What is the intent of the WEF? Perhaps their most famous statement is that—by 2030—“you’ll own nothing and be happy” which is their stated goal after “The Great Reset.” Or perhaps the Leader of the Opposition says it better in Parliament (start at 1:40).

We have watched ‘being equal under the law’ give way to special laws for some people. This cannot be called equality if someone is more protected than you are. We have watched our government tax unequally. Do you remember the furor raised last year when Atlantic Canada got special exemptions for home heating? Central and Western Canadians did not feel that it was equal treatment.

What about when our charities were told they couldn’t receive government assistance to hire a summer student unless they ticked the box saying they support abortion? What about when we couldn’t leave our homes? Or couldn’t support a national protest? Or had money frozen by the government over our donation to a cause?

What about equal treatment under the federal government’s “Anti Islamophobia” Bill? According to Statista, 55% of hate crimes in 2021 were against Jewish people and 16% against Muslims. Yet we have special Parliamentary mention about Islamophobia. Different standards of recognition to a problem. I won’t go into the increase in anti-semitism since Oct 7, 2023.

What about our government subsidizing selected media outlets? How can the press remain impartial if they receive funds from the current government? They’re not going to bite the hand that feeds them.

These are just a few of the concerns we must have over the state of our democracy.

Our heritage is one of rights, freedoms and equalities. It is meant to protect all of us equally and have the same laws apply to us all equally. This isn’t happening, so our democracy is in trouble!

Why do I bring this up right now? I looked at the maximum number of candidates fielded in an election by the parties not represented in Parliament. With the history above, would you believe that the Marxist-Leninist Party has fielded a maximum of 177 candidates in an election. The Communist Party has fielded a maximum of 100 candidates and the Christian Heritage Party has fielded a maximum of 63.

Why will people stand up for parties that in the greater world community have committed atrocities beyond imagination? Yet, Christians will not stand up to sustain values that protect freedom, equality and equal rights.

We are the Christian Heritage Party of Canada, and we stand for Life, Family and Freedom. Have you considered standing as a candidate in your electoral district? We’d love to hear from you because we believe in equal opportunity!

Get in the battle. Join today!

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Other Commentary by Gunn: