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We Are Thankful “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God…”

Tue, September 30, 2014 | Author: David Reimer

As I travel across our great country, I am amazed at the beauty of God's creation and the visible evidence of His majesty in every region of Canada. Obviously, we in the CHP believe that we live in the best country of the world and are so blessed. Most Canadians value their citizenship and would not trade their passport for that of another country. The majority of our newest Canadians regularly express their gratitude for being accepted and given the opportunity to make a fresh start in a land of freedom and security. Sadly many Canadians take our freedoms for granted and more recently do not even exercise their democratic right to vote. As members of the CHP, we should be thankful for our Canadian citizenship.

The autumn season has officially arrived and with that the harvest. From coast to coast, Canadian farmers are busy reaping the harvest - the "fruit of their labour" and the reward for their efforts. Crops vary, based on soil conditions and weather patterns both in their yield and variety, but farmers generally are patient and thankful as they prepare the soil, plant the seed and bring in the harvest. The Bible says that those who "sow generously will reap generously." Some will reap 30, 60, or 100 times what they have sown. In Canada, we can be thankful for our farmers, who are responsible for the food production, because we all eat and all benefit from their labour. Last time I checked, Canadians are eating as well as anyone in the world. In the Christian Heritage Party, we need to set a good example in Canada by thanking God for our farmers and praying that God will continue to bless them with abundant harvests and good returns on their investments.

Around the world are signs of confusion, chaos and conflict. There are wars, diseases, famines and natural disasters that claim thousands of lives annually. Vast numbers of people live in extreme poverty and have no place to call home. In war-torn countries, innocent people including the most vulnerable, children and seniors, are caught in the cross fire and are killed or wounded. As a result of these conflicts, thousands are displaced and flee for their lives with paltry possessions and become political refugees relying on foreign aid for their survival. Several African countries are experiencing the ravages of the Ebola outbreak that is still out of control and has already claimed the lives of thousands. If that is not enough, the emergence of ISIS and Khorasan, two radical Muslim terrorist organizations, have taken the world by surprise with their horrific and barbaric tactics. The public beheading of international journalists, who had been kidnapped by other Muslim Terrorist groups and sold for ransom to more radical extremists, reveals to us, as Christians, that there are indeed varying degrees of evil in the world.

It is important that Canadian Christians remember to pray for the persecuted church around the world. Christians around the world are suffering because of their faith in Christ and many are being tortured and killed for being Christian. In Canada, although it is true that Christians are being marginalized and our values are under attack, we have not faced the level of physical punishment of our Christian brothers and sisters elsewhere. We have so much to be thankful for in comparison to the majority of the world's population who live in poverty. We enjoy a standard of living here that billions of people can't even dream about.

At this Thanksgiving season of the year, may we truly be thankful for all of God's blessings in our lives, our families and our nation. May we, as members and supporters of CHP Canada, take leadership of genuine thanksgiving in our communities and churches. May we demonstrate an "attitude of gratitude" and prove that we are thankful! One practical expression of thankfulness is being generous. Please consider giving a special donation to CHP Canada, the only pro-life, pro family political party that will defend our Christian values and protect our freedom of religion.

Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksliving!

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