Tom Lipp | Bow River
You may donate via cheque payable to:
Please make out cheques or money orders to: Prijo Johnson, Official Agent for Tom Lipp
CHP Bow River
PO Box 8054 Stn A
Calgary, AB
T2H 0H6
Or send an e-transfer to chpbowriver@gmail.com
Elections Canada requires that you provide your full name and address in the comments section for your e-transfer. We will also need your phone number and the password hint in the comments.
About Tom
We, the people in Bow River, need freedom from increasing state tyranny—carbon taxes, big bureaucracy, gun control, and the suppression of free speech. Government overreach and overspending is choking us and destroying our future.
Canada is in trouble. We must turn for direction to the first words on our Charter of Rights and Freedoms: Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.
My wife, Priscilla and I have been blessed with a large family and a successful financial planning business. Our parents left socialist state-controlled countries to give their children freedom and opportunity.
I believe our health crisis will be followed by a wealth crisis. My training as a professional accountant (CPA) and experience in business (MBA), under God's direction, will help both Alberta and Canada.
We must get back to the basics! Less external government. More internal government. More freedom and responsibility for the individual. It starts with cherishing human life and strengthening families. As we return to following truth, freedom will be enjoyed by all.
If you share these goals, please give me your support.
More information on Tom https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYPtkF6eF7A2hlrKnmBpArQ
Upcoming Events
Langdon - more door knocking
Taber - door knocking and greetings
Public forums - Taber, Strathmore - call to get details
Past Events
Langdon - door knocking August 28 - Greetings Cody, Henry, Anna
Vulcan - door knocking August 31 - beautiful weather, great overall reception, people have "had enough" of the big parties
Contact the Tom Lipp campaign at:
ph: 403-668-0480 email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)Upcoming Events
Currently no events scheduled
Past Events
Currently no archived events
Map of Bow River

Click on the map to open a detailed PDF
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