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CHP vs. Hamilton: A Stunning Victory for Freedom of Political Expression

Fri, October 05, 2018

On Thursday October 4, the Christian Heritage Party (CHP Canada) won a strong decision in its dispute with the City of Hamilton over the removal of political advertising from bus shelters in the city. A Judicial Review panel ruled overwhelmingly in favour of the party whose paid advertising was removed by city staff on August 10, 2016.

The bus shelter ads which the party had contracted to run for one month simply asked the question: “Competing human rights: where is the justice?” and were posted as a challenge to the city’s pending policy which would allow biological males to access female washrooms, change rooms and showers.

The Judicial Review examined the timing of events and the lack of consideration by city staff for the freedom of expression traditionally allowed political parties. It was noted that city staff and administration failed to properly consult with the party or consider the intent and content of the ads. The city staff presumed a discriminatory bias which was not reflected in the ads which only showed the back of a person’s head (presumed to be male) wearing a ball cap and pushing open a door which said “Ladies’ Showers”. The obvious message was that all persons have rights and the right of women and girls to privacy in intimate public facilities should be considered as well as the demands of others.

This decision is a victory not only for CHP Canada but for all political parties. By this ruling, the panel has showed their support for the “competing human right” of freedom of speech in Canada. The Christian Heritage Party would like to express our thankfulness on this Thanksgiving weekend for a just decision which has bolstered our confidence in the judicial process.

We would like to thank our lawyer, Mr. Albertos Polizogopoulos for his conscientious and diligent efforts on our behalf and on behalf of all freedom- and truth-loving Canadians. We thank all who stood by us during the lengthy judicial review.

CHP Ontario President, Mr. Jim Enos of Hamilton, is prepared to discuss this ruling and its implications and can be reached at



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