Ken Stouffer | Simcoe Grey
About Ken
Although for many years I considered the CHP to have by far the best policies, I hardly ever voted for them. The reason – fear of splitting the vote. Under the leadership of Erin O’Toole however, the Conservatives have become so much like the Liberals that I can no longer vote for them. The tipping point for me was Bill C-6 (the anti-conversion therapy bill). This bill undermines parental authority and the family, and promotes radical gender ideology with the force of law. Both Erin O’Toole and our local conservative MP Terry Dowdall voted with the Liberals in favour of this bill. That was it for me. It was time to jump into the CHP with both feet.
My wife and I have lived in the Alliston, Ontario area for 42 years. We have 5 children and many grandchildren. I sold life insurance for a few years after university, then became a recruiter, filling professional and management roles for companies in the Greater Toronto Area. I’ve been recruiting for over 30 years and have been self-employed for the past 12 years. I’ve been interested in politics since my days at the University of Toronto where I studied political science. I served as a Director with the local federal Progressive Conservative association for a number of years, but stepped away as the party moved further and further to the left. I’ve served for many years as a shift supervisor at The Door, a youth drop-in centre in Alliston. I served on a District Executive Committee with the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church for six years and also served on the board of a Christian not for profit for a number of years.
We desperately need truly conservative leaders in Ottawa who are firmly rooted in the values that made Canada strong and free. Most people today would be surprised to discover that it was principles taken from the pages of the Christian Bible that made Canada free and prosperous. These principles were built into our founding documents and permeated the hearts and minds of a high percentage of our forefathers. Proving this point would take more room than this page offers, in fact it would take a book. Thankfully a book has been written on this topic that encompasses not just Canada but the entire western world. Everyone, of every faith background, who wants to understand what made the western world prosper needs to read “The Book That Made Your World - How The Bible Created The Soul Of Western Civilization” by Vishal Mangalwadi. Reading this book can’t help but give you a much greater appreciation of our Christian Heritage…a heritage that has benefitted people of all faith persuasions.
Thank you for considering me as your candidate for Simcoe Grey.
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