Spencer Katerynuk | Kildonan—St. Paul
You may also donate via cheque payable to:
Official Agent for Spencer Katerynuk
PO Box 27001
Winnipeg Square
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 4T3
About Spencer
Spencer Katerynuk is a lifelong resident of Kildonan St. Paul. He graduated from St. Paul’s High School in 2016 and recently graduated from the University of Manitoba this June with his BA in Criminology.
Spencer is passionate about freedom and justice, essential principles that are protected within our Canadian Charter. Much of this passion has led him to not only run for office but also take the first steps into pursuing a career in law. He has worked in various customer service positions and is a long-time volunteer at the Blessed Vasyl Velychkovsky Martyr Shrine.
He endorses the CHP due to their strong stance in favour of his personal commitments to defend life and challenge deceptive phraseologies created through political correctness.
Contact the Spencer Katerynuk campaign at:
ph: 204-815-8058 email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)Upcoming Events
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