The Truth about Gender

Everyone knows what a woman is but ‘woke’ government policies are confusing and harming young people.

“In the beginning, God made them male and female.” Pretty simple, isn’t it?

The Christian Heritage Party rejects ‘woke’ gender ideology and would implement common-sense policies that recognize the two sexes: male and female.



Donations to the CHP earn generous tax credits: Taxpayers are eligible to receive 75% back on contributions up to $400.

The Christian Heritage Party of Canada is a federal political party founded by both Catholics and Protestants who united to seek protection for life, family and freedom through Canadian politics.

Safety and Privacy

Women and girls have a God-given right to privacy in washrooms, change rooms and shower facilities. That right must be protected by law.

Men and Boys in Women’s and Girls’ Sports

When biological males are allowed to compete in women’s and girls’ sports, their greater muscle mass and stronger skeletal structures deny legitimate female competitors the opportunity to succeed.

The CHP would ensure that women’s and girls’ sports competitions be restricted to biological females.



Donations to the CHP earn generous tax credits: Taxpayers are eligible to receive 75% back on contributions up to $400.


A Message from our Leader

Canada is in a death spiral: abortion on demand, gender confusion in our schools, government overreach and freedom-crushing COVID mandates, unscientific climate propaganda, crippling carbon taxes, a soaring national debt, runaway inflation, political censorship . . .

The battle for truth and justice, for life and liberty, for family values and common-sense policies in Canada has never been more urgent.

We need your help to bring this message to Canadians while there is still hope.

By joining CHP Canada, you can make a difference! Share this information with your family and friends. Help us send MPs to Ottawa who share your values!



Donations to the CHP earn generous tax credits: Taxpayers are eligible to receive 75% back on contributions up to $400.