
Will YOU Stand Up?

May 21, 2024 | Auteure: Vicki Gunn   |   Le volume: 31    Le numéro: 21   |   Share: Gab | Facebook | Twitter   

We have—over the past years—seen an increase in unrighteous laws that affect Canadian’s rights and freedoms. While not many of us are happy to give up our rights and freedoms, even fewer are willing to make a stand to preserve those rights and freedoms.

Does each individual case create a threat?

Let’s take a look at one issue that has caused concern and what role a political party that stands firmly on our God-given rights and freedoms can play in political dialogue.

Firstly, we need to ask whether the values that were part of our founders’ world view are important to the political life of Canadians. Laws against murder, theft, and lying most of us would happily give our assent to when seeking civil stability.

But, what happens when you start to muddy the waters a little? Abortion is a real divider in this country as is medical assistance in dying. But we don’t question the murder of a 10-year old child. We can all accept that killing a 25-year old person is wrong but an 80-year old person . . . not so much.

The challenge is the mental gymnastics that are required to make something that is wrong seem to be right. If we look at this article from 2013, we see that the humanity of the baby is not denied by many who support abortion. These pro-abortion women argue that a woman has the right to kill her children. These are the same thoughts that we would look at when considering the cost to the medical system of treating an 80-year old who has contributed all they can to the nation compared to a 25-year old who has 40 years to contribute to our GDP (Gross Domestic Product).

That is perhaps the crux of the matter. What value does the person have? A pre-born baby has a lot of years of care before it will become a productive contributor to Canadian society. Of course, once you accept that as the criteria, then you face the dilemma of what about a newborn baby? We saw back in 2005 what can happen when a young mother “strangled the baby boy with her underwear and threw the body over a fence into a neighbour’s yard.” She was guilty of infanticide and given a suspended sentence with some conditions. That’s more like a slap on the knuckles.

We need to decide, as a society, if human life has value or not. Then we need to consistently apply the laws that support that value. The Christian Heritage Party views life as valuable—very valuable. Our policies protect innocent human life from conception to natural death. We are the only federal political party that will make this consistent stand, making our Canadians laws clear and unequivocal. This issue of the value of human life is a critical issue, and the decisions that we make on this determine the consistency of our laws and our ability to understand them.

When our CHP candidates go to an all candidates meeting, they are able to say with conviction that, in the words of Dr. Seuss, “A person’s a person, no matter how small.”

We can see how things have changed since 1988. In 1988, there was protection for life at both ends of the spectrum. All human life was considered to have value. Today, over four million Canadian babies have died by abortion. It seems that the government and the courts tolerate—or excuse—the killing of a newborn by its mother; in fact, the government of the day and the Justice Department declined to investigate or prosecute medical negligence that resulted in the deaths of 491 babies born alive and left to die.

Today, our governments—federal and provincial—tolerate the ending of life with medical assistance. The death of a person asking for MAiD no longer needs to be “reasonably foreseeable.” In 2027, unless the law is changed, mental illness will be sufficient cause to be put to death and Canadians can expect in the future to having euthanasia available and legal for “mature” minors.

Why do we need the CHP?

We need to fight this devaluation of human life. We are the only political party with a will to take on this and many other moral issues that the larger parties are afraid to address.

If pro-abortionists can accept the fact that they are killing a baby, then why would any moral government accept and endorse the legal murder of Canadian pre-born babies?

If your world view protects life, then it is important that you stand consistently and defend it. Do your words reflect that belief? Do your charitable/political donations support that? Does your vote reflect that belief? Are you willing to stand up and defend that belief?

CHP Canada believes that we have an obligation to future generations to return this country to the foundations of a law that protects life and will stand to protect the oppressed. Because, if there is no right to life then all of our other rights are worthless.

Census 2021 tells us that there are 19.3 million Christians in Canada. I’d like to know where they’re hiding. Christians believe in the sanctity of life because we are God’s image-bearers. Many other religions believe in the sanctity of life. Is your vote reflecting that belief?

Too many of us have left the spiritual battle of good and evil and succumbed to the desire to have a comfy life, on our comfy couch, watching mind-numbing shows or playing mind-numbing video games.

It’s time for all pro-life Canadians to stand by their convictions—at home, at church, in public, in politics. Everywhere!

If we don’t, then the day will come when it will be our life on the chopping block—whether or not we believe in the sanctity of life—and someone will lean over us and say that our lives have no value.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, “How a society treats its most vulnerable is always the measure of its humanity.”

Life is only one of the many issues where our Canadian governments have abdicated on their responsibility to make righteous laws.

What’s the measure of your humanity? Will you stand up and speak up to defend political policies that promote life?

The Christian Heritage Party needs more candidates nationwide. Are you someone who could be standing up to address the many moral issues that the big political parties are ignoring? If you’re ready to step up as a candidate, please email us at: We’d love to hear from you.

Go and join or donate to the work of the CHP. Make your stand for righteous laws!

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Other Commentary by Vicki Gunn: