
The Looming Attack on All Canadians’ Private Property Rights

July 23, 2024 | Auteure: Ron Gray   |   Le volume: 31    Le numéro: 30   |   Share: Gab | Facebook | Twitter   

As Canadians face three provincial elections this fall, and a federal election within 18 months, there is a glaring democratic deficiency in this nation that no other political party has shown the courage to address: a gaping lacuna in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

That lacuna was the result of the failure of the first Trudeau government to include protection for private property rights—probably deliberate.

That deficiency was second nature to the late Pierre Trudeau, and is second nature also to his son, our inept current Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. Both stand exposed as Marxists, along with Justin Trudeau’s lacklustre Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Chrystia Freeland. Both Trudeau and Freeland are also charter members of the World Economic Forum’s youth cadre, ardently devoted to dismantling our legacy of government of the people, by the people and for the people.

There are now active movements within several Canadian governments (federal and provincial) for the Marxist doctrine of abolition or diminution of the right to own and enjoy private property. Two examples are present in my home province of British Columbia, where condo owners, like my wife and I, have been commanded to agree to make some or all suites in our strata properties available to renters; this piece of draconian legislation diminishes the resale value of such properties—which constitutes a significant part of most people’s retirement plans.

And now, BC’s Marxist NDP government has announced that it is going to compel strata councils to install charging stations for electric vehicles. The planning phase alone will cost our strata council about $10,000. We have no option about these actions, despite the facts that:

(a) The public power grid will not be able to supply enough power to meet the increased demand;

(b) The alleged “Climate Catastrophe” cited as the reason for these compulsory changes is false: the UN IPCC has made 28 forecasts of “climate disaster” and all of them have proved false;

(c) There are increased fire hazards associated with EV charging stations; and EV battery fires are extremely difficult to quell—and can reignite.

These provincial government usurpations of property rights may only be the beginning: soon their desire to be “green” and to promote the WEF’s “15-minute cities”—and also to solve the housing crisis our governments have created—may result in legislation to compel owners of single-family homes, after their children have grown up and left home, to rent their bedrooms to strangers, whether they want to or not!

Do you think that’s extreme? Well, would you have believed 20 years ago that our provincial governments would mandate that kindergarten and grade school children be taught to celebrate homosexuality, be instructed in perverse sexual practices, and taught to believe that there are 35 genders? But that’s the reality in public schools—even in many Christian schools—today.

The radical socialists of our governments (including the ‘deep state’ of unelected bureaucrats) have marched through our institutions—universities, high schools, grade schools, kindergartens, churches, unions, the news media and social media and even many service clubs—brainwashing us with leftist propaganda.

Dennis Prager has encapsulated a vivid truth: “The left destroys whatever it touches.” And now the left has our God-given right to own and enjoy property in its sights.

To date, only one Canadian political party—the CHP—has included protection of private property rights in its policies. All Canadians should rally to protect these rights, because once lost, they will be irretrievable. You can help us by visiting our website and when you do so, consider making a contribution so that we can carry on in this battle to protect your rights and your property.

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