
Closed for the Season!

January 14, 2025 | Auteure: Rod Taylor   |   Le volume: 32    Le numéro: 2   |   Share: Gab | Facebook | Twitter   

Rod TaylorThose old enough to remember drive-in movie theatres may appreciate a joke I once heard about a couple of foolish people who froze to death at the drive-in theatre. As the story goes, they were watching “Closed For The Season” . . .

Here in Canada at the beginning of 2025, we have our own drama unfolding with our Prime Minister “stepping down”, a process that looks like it will take him at least 2 ½ months. And he has taken the unusual step of proroguing Parliament; it is truly “closed for the season” and scheduled to re-open on March 24th . . . when there will presumably be a new Liberal Leader who will also—at least for a day—be the de facto Prime Minister of Canada. The Liberal Party suddenly has a lot of tire-kickers, various politicians, lawyers and bankers who may want to take it for a spin. Taxpayer-funded CBC—that overgrown collection of entitled influencers who suck up about $1.4 billion of your taxes every year—is preparing to spend the next 2 months or more showcasing the potential replacements for Justin Trudeau . . . whom most Canadians agree has long since worn out his welcome. Must be nice to have 2 months of free coast-to-coast advertising! (To be followed by nonstop coverage during the election).

Last week, we sent out a short (2 ½ minutes) video clip in which I appealed to members and supporters to help us find CHP candidates in as many districts as possible. If you missed it, you can view it here. As most pundits predict (barring the unforeseen), Pierre Poilievre seems poised to win the next election, probably with a huge majority. So why is it so important for the CHP to have candidates in this election?

We are living in uncertain and unprecedented times, a time of challenges that no previous generation has ever faced. Whether it’s technology or morality or censorship or misinformation or the public education system or our failing health care system or the looming economic collapse, the stakes have never been higher nor the choices more impactful. Canadians are being misled, cajoled and bullied by the big parties and their media enablers . . . and many have been led to believe there are only two choices: a continuation of Liberal corruption and mismanagement or a return to common sense economic conservatism. The fate of pre-born babies is being completely ignored since Mr. Poilievre and Mr. Trudeau both support abortion at any time up to birth, (for any reason or no reason at all). Mr. Poilievre and Mr. Trudeau both support same sex marriage. Mr. Poilievre and Mr. Trudeau both believe that CO2 is a problem, although Poilievre opposes the carbon tax. He has yet to denounce climate change hysteria as a hoax or to defend CO2 as a natural and beneficial component of our atmosphere, essential for plant life.

Of course, Trudeau is far worse and has already done inestimable harm to Canada, both morally and economically. During his 9-year tenure as PM he has spent more money and borrowed more money than all previous Prime Ministers combined. He has doubled the national debt and through successive deficits, carbon taxes and wild spending has created a level of inflation that has Canadian families scrambling to pay their bills. His failure (and that of his recently-removed Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland) to rein in spending has broken our economy in untold ways. He has promoted a sense of entitlement for various demographics and his catering to ethnic minorities and the LGBT lobby has fostered anger, division and unrealistic expectations.

It was under a Trudeau government that doctor-assisted suicide (MAiD) became legal. It is now one of the leading causes of death in Canada, accounting for nearly 5% of all deaths. Veterans who have been denied proper care have been offered MaID instead. Poor people, otherwise healthy, have been offered MAiD when they could not pay their bills. Of course, it’s cheaper to kill someone than to care for them, but it’s a sad state of affairs when saving a few dollars is more important than looking after the elderly and the veterans who have risked their lives for our country. Unlike their comrades who paid the ultimate price, these vets didn’t die on the battlefield . . . but now they’re dying on the cultural battlefield, which is Canada’s death culture.

So Parliament is closed but the Liberal government is still in power. They’re still spending your tax dollars. And we’re still living with the consequences of their failed immigration policies . . . policies that have created a desperate housing crisis both for availability and affordability. We’re still living with the consequences of their failed COVID policies that wrecked businesses, separated families from dying loved ones, paid some to stay home on the couch and forced others into bankruptcy.

So our call to our readers is this: help us find more candidates . . . men and women who can present our policies to the voting public in as many districts as possible. The Christian Heritage Party should be a household name and voters with solid pro-life convictions deserve an opportunity to vote according to those convictions. Pre-born babies deserve to have a champion representing them in the culture wars. And future generations deserve to know the heroes and heroines who stood up on their behalf. Call George at National Office (888-868-3247) or email him ( and let him know how you can help—as a candidate, a volunteer or a donor. Do it today!

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