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Abbotsford - FEBCanada Friendship Luncheon (BC)

September 25, 2019
Location: The Rancho, 35110 Delair Road, Abbotsford, BC


Aeriol Alderking will be attending the Friendship Luncheon. Call Aeriol to reserve a spot at the table with her: 604-825-7198

Complimentary Lunch
Presentation: Leadership For Russia
Guest speaker will be Russian and Ukraine ministries director Dr. Victor Akhterov, who will be sharing his current vision for Russia – where FEBC International is placing greater emphasis on diversification, efficiency, and flexibility through the introduction of new and effective innovations.

Video: Radio Ministry in Cambodia
Broadcasting the Gospel to Cambodia’s 16.3 million people by FM, shortwave, and the internet, will be the featured video at all friendship dinners this year. The main filming was conducted in the capital city of Phnom Penh, where FEBC International owns and operates Family FM – a 10-kilo- watt radio station that covers this city’s population of 1.5 million, and reaches into surrounding provinces.

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