For many years the CHP has been seeking the support of Canada’s Christians. It sounds like an easy task—occasionally it is—but for the most part it’s incredibly difficult.
The panic that gripped Canadian politicians for several weeks, regarding Donald Trump’s threatened 25% tariffs on Canadian goods coming across the US border, was interesting. The mainstream media’s nonstop analysis and criticism of it was predictable. The anxious mood of ordinary Canadians was calculated. The tension in the air was palpable.
As church and state continue to collide for the hearts and minds of Canadians, we find our spiritual sustenance being ripped away from us by our insatiable government. As they increasingly capture more and more of our spiritual selves, they demand that Canadians submit to the government’s right to govern all aspects of our lives.
The title of this article refers to the Liberal government’s 2024 attempt to take more money from successful people and pour it down the seemingly bottomless hole of wasteful spending. At question is the Liberal government’s move to raise the tax rates on capital gains.
It must be recognized by Canadian voters that political parties that focus solely on economic issues are—no matter what they call themselves—fundamentally Marxist. The core essence of Marxism is the belief that mankind is an economic animal, and that the solution to all our problems is solely economic.
Here in Canada at the beginning of 2025, we have our own drama unfolding with our Prime Minister “stepping down”, a process that looks like it will take him at least 2 ½ months. And he has taken the unusual step of proroguing Parliament; it is truly “closed for the season”
I was four years old when Pierre Trudeau was elected to lead this nation, I didn’t much like him then, and my view of the man hasn’t changed much over the years.
In seasonal exchanges around Christmastime and at the end of the Old Year, we commonly wish each other a ‘Happy New Year!’
As people go about their business, “running to and fro,” and politicians continue to probe and meddle in other peoples’ business, we come to that interesting and wonderful season where many folks—including self-identified unbelievers—are willing to embrace, for a short time, the Christmas story about the Son of God who lay for a short time in a manger . . . every bit human and every bit Divine.
These are very important days for believers. We can see international trends running in favour of the scriptural faith—but there are also countervailing tides running against the faith. It’s important to be able to discern the differences, and to be willing to take a stand for the eternal truth, and against its adversaries.
What a beautiful Christmas gift we’ve been given by 35 municipalities across Canada. December’s joyous Christian celebration of God’s incarnation has been recognized as “Christian Heritage Month.”
With the terrible damage our current Prime Minister and his cabinet and caucus have done over the past few years, it might come as some relief that they—along with their left-leaning colleagues in the opposition parties—have been frozen in time and unable to “get on with the business of Parliament” for some weeks now.
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