With the terrible damage our current Prime Minister and his cabinet and caucus have done over the past few years, it might come as some relief that they—along with their left-leaning colleagues in the opposition parties—have been frozen in time and unable to “get on with the business of Parliament” for some weeks now.
Last year, we asked our members and other concerned citizens to join us in our challenge against the City of Hamilton in a Judicial Review. We are grateful for all who did. Many of you shared our outrage that an innocuous poster showing a woman smiling and the words, “Woman: An Adult Female” would be rejected by the City and disallowed on their bus shelters. But that’s what happened.
What a ludicrous question is the one CHP answered in our “Woman: An Adult Female” poster. Who doesn’t know what a woman is? Sadly, Canada, alongside many other countries, has rejected common sense on the question and may soon have laws that could prevent us from even asking the question.
The Judicial Review of CHP Canada vs. The City of Hamilton took place on October 28 in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. It was overseen by 3 judges, very much like the Judicial Review of 2018—with the difference being that this review took place by Zoom rather than in person.
We hear it all the time: “Don’t split the vote!” Perhaps it’s time we started saying that ourselves. When the naysayers who tell our fellow-citizens not to vote for the CHP because it might “split the vote”, they mean that it will reduce the votes for the 2nd-best candidate on the ballot . . . or in some cases for the lesser of two evils.
All of us in the Christian Heritage Party dream of Canada returning to its original Christian heritage. At times it seems like an impossible task as we are assaulted daily with ever more obnoxious forms of woke mindlessness. And yet, there is a country that was much further down the road to perdition than Canada, where priests were murdered, Christians assaulted, churches turned into stables and women forced into industry.
Governments—led by globalists like the World Economic Forum and multinational investment management corporations like Black Rock, State Street and Vanguard—have eagerly poured taxpayers’ and investors’ money into the United Nations’ new scheme to expand its authority into an unelected world government, accountable to no one. Big investors like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are buying up farmland in North America and taking much of it out of production. Why?
Popular belief is that politicians don’t keep their word. And I suppose that has often been the case. Then again, sometimes the world would be better off if some politicians broke some of their promises. But that would depend on which ones they keep and which ones they break. In my opinion, they often keep the wrong ones.
At our recent convention, the delegates of the Christian Heritage Party approved a resolution that acknowledged that there are times when it is appropriate for Canadians to protest injustice and oppression. It wasn’t merely a suggestion; it was called a “civil duty.” Where do we get the idea that it’s a “duty,” and why do we support the March for Life but object to violent, ethnically-focused pro-Palestinian protests?
While corrupt politicians—ensconced in power and secure in their salaries, benefits and perks—sometimes manifest tone-deaf arrogance, these same people—during election season—may display a softer, more thoughtful and nuanced position in hopes of retaining their comfortable and respected role in society.
On Saturday, Sept 21, British Columbia lurched into campaign mode as the long-awaited writ was dropped and the gloves came off. Voters in BC with any moral conscience and even a small amount of economic common sense have finally reached a tipping point . . .
We are in Canada. Those who have immigrated here from other countries, including the Middle East, have come here and left their previous home country. Why, then, are we investing in security here for something that is regional and far away? Why is Canada being infected by conflicts half a world away?
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