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Candidates | Skeena—Bulkley Valley

Rod Taylor | Skeena—Bulkley Valley
Leader CHP
p: 250-877-8426

You may donate via cheque:

Rodney Taylor 2021 Federal Election Account
1355 Weme Road
Smithers, BC
V0J 2N6

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Elections Canada requires that you provide your full name and address in the comments section for your e-transfer. We will also need your phone number and the password hint in the comments. 

About Rod

Rod Taylor is the National Leader of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada (CHP Canada). He and Elaine have been married for 47 years; they have two adult children and four grandchildren.

Rod has worked with his hands in the lumber industry as a lumber grader, union shop steward and production supervisor. He understands the challenges faced by working families. 

Rod has long been known for his efforts to protect innocent human life at all stages, natural marriage and freedom of speech.

When the government imposed useless and harmful COVID lockdowns, Rod worked with others in the community and across the country to resist the unscientific mandates imposed by unelected health officers. He also worked to raise awareness of proven medical alternatives that could have saved many lives and to fight against government censorship of the truth.

Rod opposes mandatory vaccination with the experimental MRNA vaccines, vaccination ‘passports’, the vaccination of children without their parents’ consent or knowledge and the denial of services to those who choose to remain unvaccinated. 

Rod knows that government must not be allowed to violate basic human rights, such as freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom of assembly, freedom to own and operate a business and the freedom to raise our children as we see fit. 

As leader of CHP Canada, Rod will rein in wasteful government spending, remove unnecessary red tape and other obstacles to success. He will defend innocent human life at all stages. He will work to restore traditional marriage and to protect schoolchildren from abusive and inappropriate gender ideology in the public schools. He is committed to the protection of religious freedom and freedom of speech.

Rod is confident that the sound family policies of the Christian Heritage Party will resonate with the voters of Skeena-Bulkley Valley and looks forward to working with constituents to tackle the many challenges Canadian families face today.

He offers CHP policies of Life! Family! and Freedom! to the voters of Skeena-Bulkley Valley and to Canadians across this country. He’s asking for your vote!

Learn more about Rod at

Contact the Rod Taylor campaign at:

ph: 250-877-8426 email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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