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Candidates | Brandon—Souris

Rebecca Hein | Brandon—Souris
p: 204-208-1011

You may donate via cheque:

CHP Brandon Souris EDA
PO Box 415
Crystal City, MB R0K0N0

About Rebecca

Rebecca Hein has demonstrated her passion for serving Canadians through extensive political and community involvement.  She has traveled across Canada, campaigned and door knocked to raise awareness on issues including women’s health, human trafficking and protecting children from online pornography.

Rebecca has volunteered extensively by helping the elderly, children on a First Nations reserve, and by giving care packages to the homeless.  Rebecca interned at the National House of Prayer in Ottawa, volunteered for an MP, participated in three non-partisan delegations speaking with MPs and MLAs, and served as the volunteer coordinator for a federal election campaign in 2015.  

“I am committed to honesty and integrity as I continue to serve constituents in the Brandon-Souris area.” - Rebecca Hein

Contact the Rebecca Hein campaign at:

ph: 204-208-1011 email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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