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Candidates | Oxford

Melody Aldred | Oxford
CHP Candidate Oxford Ontario
p: 519-200-4906

You may donate via cheque:

Anne Reyneveld, Official Agent
496953 10th Line 
R R # 2 
Tavistock, ON 
N0B 2R0

About Melody

Melody Aldred lives in Thorndale, Ontario. She is happily married to her husband Bernie of 39 years and they have two grown children.

As a believer in Christ, Melody seeks first to encourage individuals and our governing leaders to a saving relationship with God through accepting Jesus as their personal saviour. “Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.” (John 3:7)

She is hopeful that a “regeneration of the nation” will restore Canada to moral, social, political and economic vigour.

Melody is grateful for the opportunity to boldly stand for the sanctity of life and honour Biblical values in the public square and governance. She serves to give a conscientious Christian worldview choice on the ballot.

Contact the Melody Aldred campaign at:

ph: 519-200-4906 email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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