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Candidates | Charleswood–St. James–Assiniboia–Headingley

Melissa Penner | Charleswood–St. James–Assiniboia–Headingley
p: 204-294-0324

About Melissa

Melissa Penner is a passionate Canadian who loves volunteering and helping those in need. She has served on numerous boards in various capacities.  She owns and operates her own esthetics business serving clients across Southern Manitoba. Melissa has worked in the Charleswood-St. James-Assiniboia-Headingley and made that her home community. 

Melissa is an active member in her community including running for the municipal election in 2018.  She co-founded a not-for-profit organization distributing care packages to the homeless and those in her local area, she enjoys working with the elderly and in children’s ministries.

Melissa has met with MPs and MLAs regarding important national issues including human trafficking and protecting children from online pornography.

“I believe that everyone should have a choice to vote their conscience. I am standing for the topics that are important to Canadians - Life, Family, and Freedom, and to make Jesus a choice”  — Melissa

Contact the Melissa Penner campaign at:

ph: 204-294-0324 email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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