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Candidates | Calgary Signal Hill

Garry Dirk | Calgary Signal Hill
p: 403-207-4490

You may donate via cheque:

Official Agent for Garry Dirk
CHP Bow River
PO Box 105 Chestermere PO
Chestermere, AB T1X 1K8

About Garry

Garry Dirk manages two Canadian registered Charities and owns and manages his own corporation. He has a Bachelors degree (BAR) and also attended Regent Seminary.  With this experience behind him he fully understands the issues behind keeping a balanced budget. 

Being in the ministry (Pastoral) for over 30 years, he has gained experience and understanding about the needs of many different groups of people. 

“Canada is one of the greatest places to live. People from all over the world want to come here.  However, the principles that made our nation great have been deeply eroded.  We need to look to the heritage we have, so we can restore our nation’s principles to the ones that made our country great.” — Garry Dirk 

Contact the Garry Dirk campaign at:

ph: 403-207-4490 email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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