Clarence Baarda | Algoma–Manitoulin–Kapuskasing
You may donate via cheque:
Edda Horsburgh, Financial Agent
55 Frame Crescent,
Elliot Lake, ON
P5A 2S4
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About Clarence
Hi, I’m Clarence Baarda. Twenty-five years ago our family moved from Toronto to Elliot Lake where I opened and operated a RE/MAX real estate franchise. I served as city councillor, president of the chamber of commerce, church elder and charity fundraiser. My wife, Ann, and I raised four children as well as fostering children during those years.
For the first time in this upcoming federal election, voters in the Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing riding will be able to choose to elect the only party that adheres to the values our nation's founders instituted. The Canadian Bill of Rights and Freedoms clearly states that every human has a right to life. We have the opportunity now to let our leaders know that any killing of Canadians is wrong. As if 100,000 abortions every year is not enough, the ruling government is promising to fund more abortion clinics. Add to this death from euthanasia and medical assistance in dying (MAID). We were all created with a will to live and that needs to be protected.
My goal for this riding is to set the example of justice for all.
Contact the Clarence Baarda campaign at:
ph: 705-461-0136 email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)Upcoming Events
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Map of Algoma–Manitoulin–Kapuskasing
Click on the map to open a detailed PDF
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