Christine Alva Armas | Edmonton Griesbach
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)p: 780-203-9488
You may donate via cheque:
Candice Chauvet, Official Agent for Christine Alva Armas
10020 104 ST
Morinvile, AB T8R 1A5
About Christine Alva
Christine Alva Armas is a mother of 3 young children. She is a health care worker with over 10 years experience.
Christine was born and raised in the Caribbean and came to Canada as a legal immigrant. She values her Canadian passport!
Christine is a freedom lover with a constant thirst for knowledge and truth, she hates injustice and robbery.
“Two issues that are repugnant to me are political correctness and a victim mentality. Canada is a beautiful and peaceful country; these attributes with their varied facets must be protected. It's time to stand up for life, family, and freedom.” — Christine Alva Armas
Contact the Christine Alva Armas campaign at:
ph: 780-203-9488 email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)Upcoming Events
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