Rod Taylor | Skeena—Bulkley Valley
Leader CHPYou may donate via cheque:
CHP Skeena-Bulkley Valley EDA
PO Box 2442, Smithers
BC, V0J 2N0
About Rod
Rod Taylor is the National Leader of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada (CHP Canada). He and Elaine have been married for 45 years; they have two adult children and four grandchildren.
Rod has long understood the importance of men and women standing up for what they believe, standing up for the innocent and the helpless and using their freedom of speech to influence society for good.
Rod has worked with his hands in the lumber industry as a lumber grader, union shop steward, production supervisor, quality control coordinator and a first aid and safety representative and understands the challenges faced by average working-class people and the responsibility we all share to build a society based on justice, freedom and personal initiative.
Rod feels that government has already grown too big and is beginning to take away basic human rights, such as freedom of speech. The high cost of a bloated and unaccountable bureaucracy has led to a soaring national debt and an unsustainable tax burden on the working class.
As leader of CHP Canada, Rod intends to rein in wasteful government spending, remove unnecessary red tape and other obstacles to success. He will defend innocent human life at all stages. He will work to restore traditional marriage and to protect schoolchildren from abusive and inappropriate gender ideology in the public schools. He is committed to the protection of religious freedom and freedom of speech.
Rod is a candidate in the riding of Skeena-Bulkley Valley (British Columbia). He is confident that the sound family policies of the Christian Heritage Party will resonate with the voters of Skeena-Bulkley Valley and looks forward to working with constituents to tackle the many challenges Canadian families face today.
He welcomes your questions, your suggestions and your help as he offers CHP policies of Life! Family! and Freedom! to the voters of Skeena-Bulkley Valley and to Canadians across this country who are ready for real change. He’s asking for your vote!
Learn more at rodtaylor.ca
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