Larry Heather | Calgary Heritage
CHP CandidateYou may donate via cheque:
Donald Nauffts, Official Agent for Larry Heather
Box 42141, Southland Crossing P.0.,
Calgary, Alberta T2J 7A6
E-transfer donation option:
To make an etransfer to the Donald Nauffts,
Official Agent For Larry Heather at larry.heather@chp.ca
Please include full address, telephone and Name
in the comments box of the e-transfer bank form
to enable to processing of the donation.
About Larry
Larry Heather (B.A. , B.R.E.) is a long-time advocate of Fiscal and Social Conservative Policies. He has resided in Calgary Heritage since 1963. He is now in his seventh run with the Christian Heritage Party. He is best known for his conservative advocacy at Calgary City Hall in the last eight years.
Larry specializes in radio show production and audio editing. He spent over four decades in the Logistics Industry. He is a director of the Bible Bill Historical Foundation (www.aberhartfoundation.ca) and an actor/volunteer with the Canadian Badlands Passion Play in Drumheller.
Larry was an eleven year host of Gospel Road on AM1140 Radio. He loves to do research on topics that have gone unchallenged by the lockstep media. He looks for solutions that champion a moral and free enterprise society. Larry has always spoken out in protection of the unborn child and the vulnerable.
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