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Candidates | South Shore–St. Margarets

Kevin Schulthies | South Shore–St. Margarets
p: 902-999-6217

You may donate via cheque:

Paul Lagatdu, Official Agent
PO Box 481
Superstore Mall
Lower Sackville NS B4C3G4

About Kevin

Kevin Schulthies works as a recruitment manager for a life insurance agency; he travels the Maritimes engaging with Canadians on health issues. He is a life-long entrepreneur, interested in getting results by working hard and smart.

Raised on a farm and in a “Black Collar” coal mining family, Kevin understands the challenges of trade work and being part of a large rural district.

Some of Kevin’s main concerns are: inflation, which is a ‘hidden tax’, converting CRA charities' assets from public back into private, proportional representation (with a “Made in Canada” approach) and freedom of speech.

Kevin believes it’s time to employ time-tested, principle-based practices to fix our families, communities, and ultimately our nation.


Contact the Kevin Schulthies campaign at:

ph: 902-999-6217 email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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