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Candidates | Saskatoon—University

Jeff Willerton | Saskatoon—University
CHP Candidate
p: 306-713-8616

You may donate via cheque:

Ernie Munchinsky, Official Agent
311 Bentham Cres.
Saskatoon, SK
S7N 3V5

About Jeff

At the tender age of 26 the political bug bit Jeff Willerton and life has never been the same. After serving in the military for eight years he worked for three years with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, during which time he wrote a weekly political column for three small north-central Alberta newspapers. These he would later collect into a book entitled FIX CANADA, now in its 18th edition. Rejected by Chapters for being politically incorrect, Jeff has sold 70,000 copies of the same door to door since launching that project in 2000.

Jeff Willerton is a father of two grown children, a veteran, a small businessman, an author and a veteran of numerous political campaigns. As for his age, Jeff says both he and Tim Hortons have been brewing smiles since 1964.

Contact the Jeff Willerton campaign at:

ph: 306-713-8616 email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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