Harold Jonker | Niagara West
You may donate via cheque:
Martha Sjaarda, Official Agent
P.O.Box 30009
150 Main Street East
Grimsby, ON
L3M 1P0
About Harold
Harold Jonker has lived in Niagara West since he married 21 years ago. They have been blessed with 13 children. His concern about Canada’s future, the truth about our finances, the environment, and the moral issues facing our society has led Harold to become actively involved in politics.
Harold has served as a leader in his church in different capacities and served on a private high school board for 6 years. From these opportunities, he has learned that true leadership has to be loving, compassionate, and truthful!
This along with his experience as a partner in a family run trucking business for the last 24 years gives him an excellent skill set to face the tough decisions the CHP will face in Ottawa concerning Canada’s future!
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