Fred MacLeod | Charlottetown
You may donate via cheque:
Leigh Sentner Official Agent for Fred Macleod
99 Oak Drive, Charlottetown
PE, C1A6V2
About Fred
Fred Macleod has a diploma in Business Management, and experience in entrepreneurship, conflict resolution, and negotiations. He has also served as a Shop Stewart & Director of Local 15 (PEIUPSE) and a Gazetted Peace Officer for Highway Safety PEI.
With his formal education and life experience, Fred questioned how to serve God and Country. This led him to the CHP. He is ready to take a political/biblical stand to serve the constituents of Charlottetown.
Life time involvement in Bible studies and political functions have prepared Fred for this challenge. Fred is presently Clerk of Session for his local church.
Fred is willing to listen and take action: “I will ask for answers, seek truth, and knock on doors of opportunity.”
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