Donate Online
We need YOU to partner with us financially. If you give a little, together we can accomplish great things!
Basic Builder
- $.67 / day
- $5.00 / month after tax credit
Dollar a Day
- $1.00 / day
- $7.50 / month after tax credit
Maximum Monthly
- $4.72 / day
- $89.58 / month after tax credit
One Time Donation
Any Amount*
- *Up to $1725.00 maximum per year
- $650 maximum tax credit per year
The average Canadian taxpayer will receive 75% of his or her first $400.00 contribution back as a tax credit. On a $20.00 contribution, your actual out-of pocket each month would only be $5.00.
For the price of a few cups of coffee – you could help transform our nation!
There are 4 easy ways to make your donation to The Christian Heritage Party of Canada today:
- Cheque: Send a cheque to our National Office (P. O. Box #4958, Station E,Ottawa, ON K1S 5J1)
- Credit Card: Call National Office (toll free) 1-888-868-3247 and use your credit card
- Donate Online: Donate online here…
- e-transfer: E-transfers can be sent to Make sure to include in the "Comments", your name, address, phone number, and email address.