WHO Wants a Treaty?
Tue, June 04, 2024 | Author: Rod Taylor | Volume 31 Issue 23 | Share: Gab | Facebook | Twitter
In the past four years, Canadians have been subjected to a number of regulations and conditions that caused many to wonder what has happened to individual rights and responsibilities and to our national sovereignty. Questions about healthcare decisions seemed to dominate our national consciousness. In the aftermath of the pandemic, a sense of trust and confidence in government agencies has been shattered. Federal and provincial courts have been clogged with difficult and challenging cases, often involving doctors, public health mandates, constitutional questions, and a wave of concern about the motivation and integrity of those who were elected or appointed, ostensibly to protect our health.
There is a growing body of citizens who are determined to never again let our federal and provincial governments pull the wool over our eyes, destabilize our economy and traumatize our children. In spite of this, globalist activists, pharmaceutical executives, agents of the corrupt media and misguided utopian socialists have forged ahead with plans to give world government bodies even more control over our own.
The most significant of these efforts has been the World Health Organization’s attempt to gain universal support for its Pandemic Treaty. Two years of negotiations ended in Geneva, Switzerland last week with no deal. Member nations had too many concerns about incursions against national sovereignty and the potential loss of their ability to guide their own nations during a future pandemic.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), blamed the lack of a binding international pandemic treaty for the deaths of seven million persons worldwide during the covid crisis. He, of course, took no responsibility for the mismanagement and deadly protocols endorsed by the WHO, the UN, the WEF and US. He said nothing about the endlessly repeated and tragically disproven mantra of “safe and effective” mRNA vaccines. He failed to mention that those injections generated untold billions in wealth for Pfizer and AstraZeneca but failed to protect those who, willingly or unwillingly, yielded to the pressure to be vaccinated. He has never yet addressed the millions of adverse events—myocarditis, pericarditis, miscarriages and other injuries and deaths—resulting from the experimental injections nor the lives lost needlessly due to the banning of inexpensive and time-tested go-to drugs, like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
In fact, the charade goes on even now. After his pandemic treaty failed to garner sufficient support to pass, the Director General said, “This was not a failure.” That’s kind of like saying “Safe and Effective” as millions are getting sick and dying, either because of or in spite of being multi-vaxxed. Of course, the treaty was an abject failure, and we can only thank the representatives of those nations that held their ground and refused to submit to pressure tactics from the UN, the WHO, the WEF and other cheerleaders for global government. The official representatives of the UK, dozens of Republican governors in the US and a handful of Canadian politicians—including MP Leslyn Lewis—spoke forcefully against the adoption of the treaty, a treaty that would have allowed the WHO to dictate lockdowns here in Canada, among other concerns. One glaring inconsistency was that there were over 300 proposed amendments to the original draft of the treaty and that the WHO’s own internal documents promise at least four month’s time to review amendments before member states would be asked to sign. That provision was completely ignored by those hoping to pass the treaty at the Geneva Convention in May.
Another significant problem with the federal government of Canada signing an international treaty of this nature is that—in Canada—healthcare is under the jurisdiction of the provinces. Premier Danielle Smith—in her compelling and articulate fashion—pointed out this inconsistency with our constitutional division of powers. She said, “The federal government cannot delegate Alberta’s authority over its health system away, and Alberta is not required to fulfill the federal government’s international obligations.”
We are pleased that the WHO’s power grab has failed. For now. But we mustn’t be complacent. Advocates for central control over all nation states and over all citizens of planet earth will continue to devise ways and means to regulate our lives, monitor our decisions and use us as tools in their global ambitions. We must always insist on exercising our national sovereignty. More than that, we must insist on exercising our individual rights and responsibilities. Socialism and corrupt central government will arise when citizens become apathetic and lazy. Those who want the government to feed them, clothe them and protect them from every disease will find—sooner or later—that they are no longer able to determine their own choices in life.
The CHP will always support the protection of innocent human life, the unique role of the family and personal freedom—of conscience, speech, belief, mobility and association. We support the freedom to participate voluntarily in a society where rights and responsibilities are balanced and appropriate, where personal initiative and effort are respected and rewarded and where individuals can be trusted to make their own health care decisions, armed with information and protected by a collective commitment to truth and justice.
Make your stand for our heritage of rights and freedoms. Join CHP today.
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