Challenging BC Politics in 2024
Tue, September 24, 2024 | Author: Rod Taylor | Volume 31 Issue 39 | Share: Gab | Facebook | Twitter
On Saturday, Sept 21, British Columbia lurched into campaign mode as the long-awaited writ was dropped and the gloves came off. Voters in BC with any moral conscience and even a small amount of economic common sense have finally reached a tipping point . . . as eventually happens every time the top-down, socialist NDP mangles the province for a few years. It happened in 2001, when the BC Liberals, under Gordon Campbell, swept them from office. It happened in 1975 when the Socreds, under Bill Bennett and later under Bill Vanderzalm, took BC back from the fumbling hands of the NDP. And it seems likely that the NDP—who have ruled BC these past seven years with an iron fist, with wild, careless spending habits and with no regard at all for the moral sensitivities of her citizens—will go down to defeat, once again under John Rustad’s rejuvenated BC Conservatives. And we will welcome that change.
But how deep will that change go? What will our schools look like under a BC Conservative government? What about the slaughter of the innocent pre-born taking place every day in BC hospitals and clinics? What about BC’s complicity in the federal government’s doctor-assisted suicide regime, the programs and protocols that have made BC’s death toll from intentional medical interference ten times higher than in crazy California? About 5% of all deaths in British Columbia are the result of a doctor prescribing and administering drugs intended to kill the patient. The incumbent NDP have been so devoted to killing off the elderly and the vulnerable that they would not tolerate any facility refusing to participate. In fact, they went so far as to steal an $8.5 million facility from the Delta Hospice Society because they refused to stoop so low as to kill their patients.
Of course, it was not the BC Conservatives that did that. But where were they when David Eby and Adrian Dix were baying for blood? When that evil act took place, the BC Conservatives had not yet caught the wind that is now in their sails. Their current leader and the other four, who have since crossed the floor, were still wearing the colours of the BC Liberals. And until Kevin Falcon, former BC Liberal Leader, booted John Rustad from his caucus (a very unwise and consequential move), the BC Libs were allowing the NDP to fritter away any semblance of common sense and economic strength that still remained.
But where was the moral clarity when the BC Libs last formed government? Abortions continued unabated during their tenure, about 15,000 per year. The bubble zones preventing peaceful protest near abortion clinics—passed into law by the NDP in 1995—remained in place under the BC Libs. In 2016, it was a BC Liberal government that added transgenderism to the BC Human Rights Code. All three readings—in one day. Not one BC Liberal voted against it. John Rustad was a BC Liberal that day and allowed, by his silence, the creation of special rights for promoters and practitioners of gender-confusion in the schools and in society.
Now—at long last—he has taken a stand against the gender-preoccupied propaganda being promoted in our public schools. Now, he is speaking up against the genital mutilation of young people and the use of puberty-blockers and cross-sex hormones on children—especially when it goes against the wishes of the parents. We are very glad that he is doing this. We wish he had taken a stand when the government he represented was handing over the reins to the LGBT lobbyists and allowing SOGI to be introduced in our public schools. But we’re pleased to have him now as an ally in this fight.
The Christian Heritage Party of Canada and the Christian Heritage Party of BC have consistently exposed and challenged the 2006 Corren Agreement when no other parties were talking about it. That wicked pact—signed between the BC Liberal government and two homosexual men—gave those men unprecedented and privileged influence over BC government policies. Back in 2006, I called it, “BC’s best-kept, worst secret!” It exemplified the moral compromise and political pandering that has led BC and also our nation down the road of anarchy, poverty, debt and social collapse.
Right now, there are many good folks who—both federally and provincially—have the highest ideals and good intentions but who are placing their trust and confidence in people who have mastered political success at the expense of moral clarity. They are voting against the criminals now in office but voting for those who are willing to compromise their values for political success. That cannot end well.
We cannot have a booming economy while we tolerate the shedding of innocent blood. Our nation is polluted with it, and the consciences of many of our doctors, nurses, politicians, judges are defiled. We cannot have safe streets and peaceful neighbourhoods when we cater to criminals and throw peaceful pro-life grandmothers in jail. We can’t cultivate respect for our elders and respect for law and order when we pay professionals to inject the elderly . . . against every inclination of conscience and moral teaching.
We can’t teach our children the benefits of frugality and thrift, of disciplined spending and sacrificial giving, while we allow our politicians to spend money they don’t have on things we don’t need or want. When politicians lie to our faces on TV and claim to be doing all this for our benefit. People see through that eventually, and we hope BC voters will see through it in this electoral season.
I’m national leader of CHP Canada, but I’m also serving as leader of CHP-BC, and I’m running as a candidate in Bulkley Valley-Stikine (voting is on Oct. 19). The rot and corruption and moral compromise are just as bad in Victoria as in Ottawa, and provincial elections are one of the places we can bring biblical truth to a secular audience. For those who live in BC, you can support us in our campaign and get involved directly. For those who do not live in BC, you can support us with your prayers. “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice but when the wicked rule, the people mourn.”
All across this country, there is a lot of mourning right now. Let’s pray for a renewal, an awakening and a new dedication to the principles and values of our God. Without Him, we can do nothing, but with God, ALL things are possible.
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Other Commentary by Rod Taylor:
- Fermé pour la saison!
- Closed for the Season!
- Pouvez-vous avoir une « bonne » nouvelle année?
- Can You Have a ‘Happy’ New Year?
- L’histoire de Noël - Dieu emmailloté
- The Christmas Story—God in Swaddling Clothes
- Impasse à Ottawa : la bataille des documents
- Stalemate in Ottawa; the Documents Battle
- En défense des femmes : notre bataille juridique à Hamilton continue – mais pas sans vous!
- In Defence of Women: Our Legal Battle in Hamilton Continues – But Not Without You!
- Ne divisez pas le vote!
- Don’t Split the Vote!